
Training Course: Step’IN

3-10 May 2024 | Hollókő, Hungary

Step’IN training course is focusing on developing the skills and competences of youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers to empower them to take up leadership positions and to equip them with tools to lead a youth groups and communities.

Step’IN is a training course focusing on the development of skills and competences of youth workers in leadership, group dynamics and organisational management. 

With this training course we would like to train young people active in youth groups, communities and/or organisations to make them more conscious of their personal and professional leadership pathways, and to be able to engage young people more actively by using creative and innovative methods and effective techniques. We seek to address the need of empowering youth through engagement and self-motivation and effective non-formal and informal learning methods to become able and competent to lead a youth programmes and activities. We are ready to introduce different, sometimes unusual methods to address issues with topics such as communication development, conflict resolution and effective teamwork and strategic planning. 

The training course is build up on the idea of understanding and applying organisational management techniques such as planning and organising, leadership skills development, people, time and budget management, decision making and problem solving. During the training course youth workers will develop their skills and competences in such important topics as assertive communication, effective team-work and strategic planning while understanding the importance of youth work and the role they play in the development of their communities.

This training course will be based on the following objectives:
-To identify the role of youth work in our societies and to understand the importance of youth workers
-To provide participants with different tools to acquire knowledge and to develop skills and competencies in organisational management
-To introduce effective communication, leadership and teamwork techniques
-To develop competences to implement tools, non-formal and informal educational methods of decision making and strategic thinking
-To provide space for participants for discussion and sharing best practices and to develop their leadership skills and competences using tandem method
-To improve knowledge about Erasmus+ Programme as a tool for enhancing the international dimension of youth work through capacity building activities

At the end of the training course our participants will be motivated to participate more actively in the lives of their communities, develop more project and programme ideas with and for young people and will be better equipped to provide a higher quality of youth work delivery due to their experience, skills and knowledge.

During our training course we are going to use non-formal and informal educational tools. The training course will be based on an interactive and participative approach. The processes of learning from each other and learning by doing will be crucial, as well as self-directed peer learning, where partners equally share their knowledge while placing emphasis on integration and promoting independent learning experience.  The training course will stimulate creativity, communication and active participation.

The training course Step’IN will take place in Creative Space, Hollókő, Hungary between 3-10 May 2024. There will be 24 participants coming from different countries in Europe, the Middle-East, Balkan and Mediterrenean countries. 

Available downloads: Step’IN Infopack.pdf

More information at: SALTO