
Training Course: SRHR For Youth

25-28 September 2023 | Cairo, Egypt

This training course will gather 25 youth workers interested in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for 4 days in Cairo, Egypt. (NOT FUNDED).

General Description Of The Camp:

– This SRHR Camp is an exciting opportunity for international participants as leaders and workers to enhance their personal and professional skills in a unique and culturally diverse setting. This seminar is designed to provide participants with a variety of educational and cultural experiences, including youth exchange, language training, cultural and social training, environmental rights and development work, and volunteering.

– Through this workshop, we aim to equip Sexual Reproduction & Health Reproduction (SRHR) participants with

the skills and tools to design, prepare and facilitate sessions on any SRHR topic. Through delivering sessions that provide comprehensive SRHR content through a practical approach, including facilitation notions, and session design among other components of non-formal education.

Over the 4-day Workshop, the participants are expected to get used to the following objectives, being assessed according to the different assessment methodologies, which shall be discussed later within the proposal


1-Share/exchange knowledge & experience, discuss gender issues in social inclusion

and plan offline/online campaigns against gender discrimination as a factor for the social exclusion of vulnerable youth.

2-Improve the current Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) education for young people internationally.

3-“Learning” and “practicing” since the first one is more related to gaining knowledge of participants and the second one is more related to building skills and changing attitudes.

4-Contribute to pointing to existing gender-based discrimination which is the basis for social exclusion.

5-Understand their role in sexual and reproductive health and rights promotion through advocacy, decision making  and future partnerships. 

More details about ANUBIS Egypt (our invitation package) are found through this LINK

Timeline for the Camp through this LINK

Date: The Camp will take place from Sep 25th to June 28th in Egypt.

Place: Downtown Cairo. 

Apply through this FORM

Deadline: Tuesday, the 15th of July at 23: 59pm GMT

Shall you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at anubisexchange@gmail.com

We look forward to receiving your applications and possibly seeing you in Egypt!

Warmest Hugs,

On behalf of ANUBIS Egypt Team

Follow us on our Platforms: 

Facebook through this LINK

Instagram through this LINK

Available downloads: SRHR ANUBIS EGYPT Invitation Package.pdf

More information at: SALTO