
Partnership-building Activity: Inclusive Evolution 2023

15-18 September 2023 | Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia

Join the Partnership Building Event 2023 for fruitful collaborations shaping the future. European representatives from NGOs, academia, and more are invited. Register by 28.08.2023.

The Partnership Building Event 2023 will bring togetherpotential and suitable partners for future collaborations and projects.

This gathering aims to create fruitful connections and facilitate new cooperation opportunities that will shape the future.

Join us as we embark on a journey of building strong partnerships to drive innovation, growth, and success in the days to come.

We invite representatives from suitable possible partners within European and beyond to participate in this event. This includes NGOs, public institutions, educational and academic institutions, and other relevant stakeholders.

If you are interested in attending the conference, please fill out the registration form and submit it by 28.08.2023.

Once your registration is confirmed, based on motivation, you will receive further details, including accommodation options, transportation information, and any additional requirements.

Available downloads: InEvo-2023 Partnership Building Event Info Pack 3.0.pdf

More information at: SALTO