
E-learning: Welcoming change in our communities- building inclusive, resilient communities

19 May 2022 | Zoom, United Kingdom

The Discovered Stories, Shared Communities exhibition launch, project celebration and creation of future action Thursday 19th May 2022 9am – 2.30pm – zoom

Over the past two years, CDEC and project partners have been exploring new ways in which we can create more welcoming and resilient communities across Cumbria. Now is the time to share our learning- and explore how we continue to build on the outcomes.

We would welcome your contributions to this event- don’t miss this opportunity to see what’s been happening, learn from the insights and practices that have inspired us and help to co-create ideas for the future. Attached is the full invite with information about the welcoming change in our communities event, as well as an overview of the DSSC project (you can also find out more by following this link to our website). To book your place and choose which workshops you’d like to attend, please follow this link:

Available downloads: DSSC invitation final.pdf

More information at: SALTO