YOCOMO Systemic – an ETS MOOC on A Systemic Approach To Competence Development In Youth Work
E-learning / 15 January – 15 February 2021 | Online , Germany
Join this online course now and start learning from 15.01.2021. It will offer inspiring lectures, animated videos, method demonstrations, practical tasks and development tools. This course is made for youth workers , but it’s free and open for anyone.
IMPORTANT NOTE: even though there is a deadline due to the system behind these calls, the course will be OPEN ON 15 January 2021 and there is NO SELECTION PROCEDURE. And you can still enrol after the starting date.
This course will provide space and tools to:
- Zoom out and see your youth work context as a living system.
- Explore what you are for your youth work system.
- Learn what competence development from a systemic point of view is.
- Discover what role the ETS competence model can play in your context.
- Try out a systemic self-assessment and plan your development.
You will learn at the Canvas online learning platform. You can enrol already now and check the course description, introduce yourself and get ready for the course to start on 15th January 2021.
The course is structured in 6 modules, which will be opened gradually over the 4 weeks.
- 15th January: 1. Introduction module and 2. Systems and Systemic View
- 25th January: 3. The Role of Youth Work in My System
- 1st February: 4. ETS Model and My Youth Work System
- 8th February 5. Transfer, transformation and moving forward and 6. Evaluation and Youthpass
The course is free and open for anyone, but it was built mainly for youth workers, looking for various tools and approaches for their competence development.
!! Enrol now at https://bit.ly/yocomo_systemic
FACILITATORS: Snezana Baclija Knoch, Darko Markovic, Laimonas Ragauskas
Available downloads: Yocomo_Systemic_promo.png

More information at: SALTO