
Stipendije Vlade Švajcarske

Švicarska ostaje atraktivna destinacija za strane studente. To je peta najpopularnija evropska zemlja za studije u inostranstvu prema online anketi Odmah iza Holandije i ispred Španije.

Pozivamo vas da pogledate ponudu švicarskih stipendija (dole) :

🔊Vlada Švicarske putem Komisije za dodjelu stipendija stranim studentima (ESKAS) objavljuje konkurs za stipendije za akademsku 2024/2025. godinu.

📚Stipendije su namijenjene za doktorske, postdoktorske studije i istraživačke projekte u Švicarskoj. Konkursom nisu obuhvaćeni Bachelor i Master studiji kao ni studiji umjetnosti.

📩 Za upute i formulare možete se obratiti putem maila :

📬 Krajnji rok za dostavu aplikacija je 23. novembar 2023. na adresu:

Ambasada Švicarske
Zmaja od Bosne 11
Zgrada RBBH, objekat B
71000 Sarajevo
s naznakom: stipendija

❓Detaljnije informacije o stipendijama možete naći na stranici Švicarskog saveznog sekretarijata za obrazovanje i istraživanje 👉 Link u opisu !


Switzerland remains an attractive destination for foreign students. It is the fifth most popular European country to study abroad according to an online survey by Just behind the Netherlands and in front of Spain.

That’s why we want to remind you about the scholarships that Switzerland propose (below)

🔊The Swiss government awards scholarships to foreign scholars and researchers (Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship) for the academic year 2024-2025.

📚Scholarships are available for PhD and PostDoc studies as well as research projects in Switzerland. Bachelor, Master and Arts (schools of music and fine arts) courses are not eligible for grants within this offer.

📩The application package can be obtained by sending an email to the following address:

📬The deadline for submission of applications is 23 November 2023 to the following address:

Embassy of Switzerland
Zmaja od Bosne 11
Zgrada RBBH, objekat B
71000 Sarajevo
with the inscription: Scholarship

❓For more information please visit the website of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation 👉 Link

Preuzeto sa: Instagram @swissembassysarajevo