
Skills UP!

Study Visit / 4-8 April 2022 | Youth Center Council of Europe Budapest, Hungary

The Skills Up study session aims to strengthen a rights-based approach in youth work and develop the competences of the youth professionals for them to support the development of young refugees’ soft skills and their involvement in the society.

The Skills Up study session aims to strengthen a rights-based approach in youth work and developing the competences of the youth professionals (youth workers, social care service providers, social workers, representatives of schools, community workers, etc) in order to gain the experience and knowledge to support the development of young refugees’ soft skills and their involvement in the society.

The study session aims to hammer into youth workers, ways and techniques in which they can support young refugee integration using NEET always based in the human rights approach. Furthermore, through this study session youth workers will become more experienced in order to support young refugees developing their soft skills and become involved in the society

Objectives :

Build the capacity of youth workers to work across cultures with ease and competence and explore the different legal refugee frameworks among the member states of the CoE.

  • Support youth workers in providing career guidance/planning services adapted to the needs of youth refugees.
  • Promote refugee labor rights by adopting an inclusive, “rights for all” approach to advocacy, awareness raising, communications and partnership.
  • Provide the youth workers with all different types of labour market integration support measures, programmes and initiatives for refugees and asylum seekers, including measures by civil society and private actors (such as NGOs, employers, etc.);
  • Identify and exchange good integration practices adopted in the member states of the CoE
  • Ensure Cooperation among professionals and organizations that will promote access to rights for young refugees through integration strategies
  • Promote youth work as a tool that supports inclusion and active citizenship

Available downloads: Skills UP Info Pack – 2022.docx

More information at: SALTO