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Seminar: Climate Justice vs Right Wing Populism!

23-28 January 2023 | Zeehuis in Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands

A five day seminar tackling the issue of right wing populism in discussions about climate change. We aim to provide young people with the right tools to stand up to populist discourse, and properly argue in favour of green ideas and sustainability.

Are you passionate about climate justice in all its different aspects?
Are you tired of hearing right-wing populist theories and notions and want to know how to stop them?

If your answer is yes to both questions, then come join us in our international activity “Climate Justice vs Right Wing Populism”!
During the days together we will go deeper into the topics of climate justice and populism, while discovering how to recognise the patterns that populists use to spread misinformation.

International Young Naturefriends have decided to dedicate the year 2023 to giving young people the tools to tackle right wing populist currents in the environmental and climate justice movement with a cycle called “Extremism, a Danger for Climate Justice?”.
We will welcome international participants during 4 international activities throughout the year.
We are looking for people who are passionate about climate justice and who want to learn techniques to debunk right wing populist narratives in the environmental discourse.

The activity is aiming to give youth leaders and young people the following learning experiences:

If you are applying as a participant, we appreciate if you have:

If you would like to know more information about the activity, contact or visit our website by clicking here.

If you would like to apply directly to our activity, you can fill in the form by clicking here.

More information at: SALTO

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