
Kursevi u Oktobru: EducationUSA BiH online

EducationUSA BiH i ove jeseni nastavlja s korisnim predavanjima!EducationUSA BiH is offering this fall useful webinars!Ovaj mjesec imate priliku upoznati predstavnike američkih fakulteta: NYU Abu Dhabi i Swarthmore! Također, Američko Vijeće Bosna i Hercegovina nam se priključuje na webinara i objasniti će sve o YES programu!

This month you will have a chance to speak with several US colleges including NYU Abu Dhabi, Swarthmore! We are also hosting American Council BIH who will talk about YES program!

Pridružite se našim zanimljivim i poučnim webinarima i naučite više o studiranju u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama! Join our useful and educational webinars and learn more about studying in the USA!

Predavanja su u potpunosti besplatna! All webinars are free!

Raspored predavanja/Schedule of the lectures:

Ponedjeljak, 5.10 u 18:00 h straživanje opcija? Kako pronaći fakultete za sebe?/Monday, / October 5th 2020 at 6:00 pm How to research U.S. colleges?

Utorak 6.10.2020 u 14:00 h – YES program / Tuesday, October 6th 2020 at 2:00 pm YES Program

Utorak 6.10.2020 u 18:00- Kako napisati seminarski rad?/Tuesday, October 6th 2020 at 6:00 pm Writing an effective research paper

Srijeda 7.10.2020 u 13:45 h-Webinar sa NYU Abu Dhabi/Wednesday, October 7th 2020 at 1:45 pm Holistic Admission with NYU Abu Dhabi

Ponedjeljak 12.10 u 18:00 h- vrste stipendija u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama/ Monday, Oct. 12th at 6:00 pm-Type of scholarships in the USA

Utorak 13.10.2020 u 18:00 – Kako napisati CV?/ Tuesday, Oct. 13th 2020 at 6:00 pm Writing effective CV

Srijeda 14.10.2020 u 14:00 h – Sve CCC programu/Wednesday, Oct. 14th at 2:00 pm CCC review

Četvrtak, 15.10. U 12:00 h – Kako koristiti drustvene mreže?/Thursday, Oct. 15th at noon How to use social media?

Ponedjeljak 19.10 u 18:00 h- Aplikacija- kako aplicirati na američke fakultete/ Monday, Oct. 19th at 6:00 pm- How to apply for U.S. colleges?

Utorak 20.10.2020 u 18:00 h- Zašto upisati studije u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama/ Tuesday, Oct. 20th 2020 at 6:00 pm Why study in the US

Srijeda 21.10.2020 u 14:00 h- Pisma preporuke /Wednesday, Oct. 21st 2020 at 2:00 pm-All about Letter of Recommendation

Četvrtak, 22.10.2020 u 12:00 h-Kako izabrati fakultet za sebe?/ Thursday, Oct. 22nd at noon What is the right fit for you?

Ponedjeljak 26.10 u 18:00 h- Studentski život na američkim fakultetima/Monday, Oct. 26th at 6:00 pm- Student life at U.S. colleges

Utorak 27.10.2020 u 18:00 h- Studiranje na jugu i studiranje na sjeveru Americi razlike i sličnosti/Tuesday, Oct. 27th at 6:00 pm Studying in the South vs. North US

Srijeda 28.10. U 17:00 h – Webinar s Swarthmore college/Wednesday, Oct. 28th 2020 at 5:00 pm Swarthmore College webinar

Četvrtak 29.10 u 19:00 h- Pisma preporuke, gost predavač: Rami Blair/Thursday, Oct.29th at 7:00 pm- Letters of Recommendation, guest speaker: Rami Blair

Molimo registrirajte se putem linka za webinare/To register please follow the link:


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